2025 Prayer Dates & Festivals (South Africa)

Pranaams, Namaste and Vanakkum Friends.

All glory to our eternal Parents Shree Radha-Krsna and the wonderful servants of the Supreme Couple.

Please view the 17 PDF documents that are provided below for you to kindly read & learn more about our most beautiful religion.

We are on Facebook… Do “ctrl-click” on the following LINK to “like” us on FB


DISCLAIMER: Do note that Dipika is not affiliated to any Hindu group or organization. We at Dipika choose to remain an independent repository of spiritual advice. We appreciate that there are variances between organizations and humbly request that if our views differ from yours that you respect our decision not to conform to the prescripts of your particular organization. We remain committed to spiritual advice which is based on scripture .

We have no right to ask when a sorrow comes “Why did this happen to me? ” Unless we ask the same question for every joy that comes our way. (Lord Raam to Shree Lakshman-ji)

When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back. Our time is our life”

Never let the insecurities of an ignorant blemish the wholesome beauty you bring to those who depend on and appreciate you.

Have a super +ve happy day.

Yours in the service of Sanatan Dharma

Narottam das & Arjun Nandlal




2 Responses to “2025 Prayer Dates & Festivals (South Africa)

  • Greetings.
    I am looking for the article on Vaibhava Lakshmi Vrata, please can you email me the detailed steps that need to be followed. I can’t seem to access it on the website.
    Many thanks.
